Sunday, December 14, 2014

"Windswept" 24 x 30" acrylic

"Summerfield" 24 x 30" acrylic

These will be my last 2 paintings for 2014. They are currently hanging in the Medal show at the Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery in Vancouver. They might represent a new direction for me, although I've been incorporating some of the techniques used here for a few years now. On "Summerfield" in particular, I've used a lot of chippy brushstrokes and I'm really enjoying the results.

I've learned over the years that painting has a mind of it's own. I think we might do our best work if we just follow the muse and don't try to control or preplan too much, how things will go. When I'm teaching, I call it "letting the painting be the boss". The process involves starting a painting and then stepping back and looking to see what the painting is asking for. In this way, each painting becomes an adventure- you don't know what will come until the painting is finished.

2014 has been a year of letting go for Alan and I, and it has been one of the most difficult ones for me. We lost my precious Dad in January. Alan has had many health challenges and we have gone through the stress of putting our home of 26 years on the market. There have been a few tears on my part as I try to let go of this place that holds so many memories for us. This is where I raised my children and where we hosted so many dinners with family and friends. Three years ago we built my dream studio and I don't really feel that I got enough time to experience it. Still, the time is right to make a change.

In January we will move into our new home- a large pretty townhouse in the heart of Fort Langley. We have lots of space for two studios and many of the comforts of a new house that we've never had in our 100 year old current house. We will be close to friends, shops, restaurants, walking trails and the beautiful Fraser River. We are excited to have a new start and be able to stay in our community. I'm looking forward to making new memories in the new house and welcoming friends and family there.

For all of you who read my blog- thank you for your interest. I hope that 2015 is a wonderful, creative, happy year for you.

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